1994-1999, PhD grant from the Spanish
DGICYT (Ref. B95-0071).
1999 (June, 23), PhD thesisEstructura
Dinámica de fotodisociación de complejos triatómicos débilmente
los sistemas He79Br2 y 4He3,
(ISBN: 84-669-1581-8, Dep. Legal: M-21214-2004) supervised by Prof. Pablo
Villarreal Herran and presented at UCM.
Procesos dinámicos en agregados de
van der Waals y sistemas moleculares de complejidad creciente, Ref. B95-0071 DGICYT (1-Nov. 1996-1 Nov.2001),
coord. Prof. Gerardo
Delgado Barrio .
Estudio teórico de resonancias en
complejos de van der Waals, Integrated
Action CSIC-CNRS (France) Ref. 2000FR0029 (1998-2001), coord. Prof. Pablo
Villarreal Herrán.
Cálculo de la sección eficaz
de fotoionización y de colisión
electrón-molécula con bases L2, Integrated Action CSIC-University of Pisa
(Italy) Ref. HI1998-0086 (1999),
coord. Dr. José
Campos Martínez .
Procesos dinámicos y propiedades
estructurales de agregados moleculares en fase gas a muy baja
temperatura, Integrated
Action Spain-Italy Ref. HI1999-0157 (2000-2001), coord. Prof. Pablo
Villarreal Herrán
dynamics, Research Training Network. Ref.
HPRN-CT-1999-00007, (2000-2003) , coord. Prof. Piero
y dinámica de agregados bosónicos de He con impurezas,
Integrated Action . Ref. HI2002-0074 (2003-2004), coord. Prof. P.
Villarreal Herrán.
scattering collisions: study of insertion reactions, dynamical
quantum resonances and ionic systems, European
Reintegration Grant . Ref. MERG-CT-2004-513600 (2004), coord. Dr.
Tomás González Lezana.
teóricos en Física Molecular, de agregados y de
superficies, DGI, Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia.
Ref. FIS2004-02461 (2005-2007), coord. Prof. Gerardo
Delgado Barrio.
experimental y teórica de intermedios de reacción
originados por la solvatación, Integrated
Action CSIC/CNRS (Paris, France), Ref. HF2004-0201 (2005-2007),
coord. Dr. Octavio
Roncero Villa
mecánicas, eléctricas y catalíticas de
nano-objetos: Síntesis, caracterización y
modelización, UCM-UAM-CBM-CSIC coord.
Dr. Octavio
Roncero Villa
mecanico-cuántico de colisiones reactivas de tipo
átomo-diátomo y caracterización de agregados
triatómicos débilmente ligados, CSIC-MEC, Ref.
200650I134 (2006-2007), coord. Dr. Tomás González Lezana.
y dinámica de agregados moleculares e interfases gas/superficie,
DGI, Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia.
Ref. FIS2007-62006 (2007-2010), coord. Prof. Gerardo
Delgado Barrio.
Molecular Astrophysics:
The Herschel and Alma era,
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación CONSOLIDER-INGENIO.
Ref. CSD2009-00038 2010 (2009-2011), coord. Prof.
José Cernicharo-Octavio Roncero.
Estructura, Espectroscopía
y dinámica de moléculas y agregados moleculares en fase gas-materia condensada
DGI, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.
Ref. FIS2010-18132 (2010-2011), coord. Prof. Gerardo
Delgado Barrio.
Estructura, Espectroscopía
y dinámica de moléculas y agregados moleculares en fase gas-materia condensada
y sistemas abiertos
DGI, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.
Ref. FIS2011-29596 (2012-2014), coord. Prof. Gerardo
Delgado Barrio.
Colisiones reactivas átomo-diátomo a bajas temperaturas
Ref. COOPA20039 (2014-2015), coord. Dr.
Tomás González-Lezana.
Investigaciones Teóricas en sistemas moleculares: Desde la fase gas a fases condensadas,
Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad.
Ref. FIS2014-51993-P (2016-2018), coord. Prof.
Pablo Villarreal Herrán.
Procesos moleculares en fase gas, agregados y diferentes nanoestructuras
Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad.
Ref. FIS2017-83157-P (2018-2021), coord. Dr.
Tomás González-Lezana and Dra. Rita Prosmiti.
Design of new materials for hydrogen storage
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas.
Ref. LINK20041 (2021-2022), coord. Dr.
José Campos Martínez.
Física molecular computacional: Aplicaciones punteras a agregados, nanoestructuras y sistemas
Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad.
Ref. PID2020-114654GB-I00 (2021-), coord. Dr.
Tomás González-Lezana and Dra. Rita Prosmiti.
Scientific meetings
Communication "The Lanczos method:
Applications on studies of highly excited vibrational levels of vdW
clusters", T. González-Lezana and P. Villarreal at
the Second
Iberian Joint Meeting on Atomic and Molecular Physics, Bilbao
(Spain) 1995.
Communication "Theoretical spectroscopy
and dynamics of fragmentation of the He79Br2
complex" , T. González-Lezana, M. I.
Hernández, G. Delgado-Barrio, A.A. Buchachenko and P.
Villarreal,at the Charles Coulson Summer School in
Theoretical Chemistry, Oxford (UK) 1996.
of molecules and clusters, San Lorenzo de El Escorial,
Madrid (Spain), 10-14 August 1998.
Communication at the II International workshop Reaction
and Photochemistry , Avila (Spain), 2-5 September
Communication "Further studies of the
near-IR spectrum of HCBr" , T.J. Sears,
A.J. Marr, J.T.
Muckerman and T. González-Lezana, at the Symposium on Chemical
Physics, University of Waterloo (Canada), November 2000.
Communication "The low-lying electronic
states of HCBr: Experiment and theory", J.T.
Muckerman, T.J. Sears,H.-G. Yu,
A.J. Marr and T. González-Lezana, at the Spectroscopy in the
21st century,
(in celebration of the 70th birthday of Prof. E. Hirota), Hayama,
Kanagawa (Japan), March 2001 pdf.
Oral Communication"The hyperspherical
coordinate surface eigenvalue problem" at the EU
Research and TrainingReaction Dynamics,
Meeting, Oxford (UK), March 2001.
Oral Communication"Application of a
statistical model to the H+O2 reaction" at
the EU Research and TrainingReaction Dynamics,
Meeting, Segovia (Spain), June 2002.
Oral Communication "Application of a
transmission-free absorbing potential to the time dependent study of
A+BC chemical reactions" at the EU Research and
Dynamics, Network Meeting, Nijmegen
(Holland), May 2003.
Communication "Calculation of
differential cross sections by means of a statistical model:
application to the O+H2 and S+H2 reactions", E.
J. Rackham, T. González-Lezana and D. E. Manolopoulos, at theXVIII
International Conference on Molecular Energy Transfer (COMET), El
Escorial (Spain), March 15-20, 2003.
Communication "Application of a
transmission-free absorbing potential to the time dependent study of
A+BC chemical reactions", T. González-Lezana, E. J.
Rackham and D. E. Manolopoulos, at theVII Workshop on Quantum Reactive
Scattering, El Escorial (España),
June 20-23, 2003.
Oral Communication "Statistical
calculations on insertion reactions" at the EU Research and
Dynamics, Network Meeting, Perugia (Italy),
January 17-18 2004.
Invited Lecture "Quantum reactive
scattering with a transmission-free absorbing potential " at
the III
International Meeting on Photodynamics, La Habana
(Cuba), February 16-20 2004.
Communication "Influence of rotation
and isotope effect on the dynamics of the N(2D)+H2
reactive system", F. J. Aoiz, L. Bañares, T.
González-Lezana, V. Herrero and I. Tanarro, at theVIII
on Quantum Reactive Scattering, University of
California, Santa Cruz (USA), July 15-19, 2005.
Communication "Quantum mechanical
studies on the D++H2 and H++D2
reaction systems", T. González-Lezana, O. Roncero,
Paniagua and A. Aguado, at theVIII Workshop on Quantum Reactive
Scattering, University of California, Santa
Cruz (USA), July 15-19, 2005.
Invited Lecture"Caracterización
de la dinámica de reacción de colisiones tipo
átomo-diátomo mediante cálculos
estadistico-cuánticos", at theII Simposium de investigadores
jóvenes RSEQ-Sigma-Aldrich (web
page), University of Castilla-La Mancha,
Ciudad Real (España), November 22-25, 2005.
Invited Lecture"Study of the reaction
dynamics of atom-diatom collisions with a statistical quantum
method" at the IV International Meeting on Photodynamics, La
Habana (Cuba), February 6-10 2006.
Oral Communication "Statistical
quantum studies on the reaction dynamics of the H++H2 and X+O2 (X=H,Si) reactive collisions" at
2006 (schedule web
page), Arcachon (France), November 10-14 2006.
Communication ''Dynamical studies on
the H+O2 reaction'', P. Bargueño, T.
González-Lezana, P. Larrégaray, L. Bonnet and J.-C.
Rayez, at theStereodynamics 2006 (poster session web
page), Arcachon (France), November 10-14 2006.
Communication ''State-to-state O(3P)+HCl (v=2,j=1,6,9) -> OH+Cl
calculations by means of
approaches'', P.
Bargueño, J. M. Alvariño and T.
González-Lezana, at theXXII International Symposium on
Molecular Beams, Freiburg (Germany), 2007. .pdf
Communication ''Investigation on the
dynamics of the Si+O2
reaction by means of statistical
quasiclassical approaches'', F. Dayou, P. Larrégaray,
L. Bonnet, J.-C. Rayez, P. N. Arenas and T. González-Lezana,
at theIX
Quantum Reactive Scattering, Cambridge (UK),
18-22 July 2007. .pdf
Communication ''The H+ + D2(v=0,j=0)
reaction: A comparison between theory and experiment", E.
Carmona-Novillo, T. González-Lezana, O. Roncero, P. Honvault,
J.-M. Launay, N. Bulut, F. J. Aoiz, L. Bañares, A. Trottier and
E. Wrede, at theIX Quantum Reactive Scattering, Cambridge
(UK), 18-22 July 2007..pdf
Chairman (Saturday 21st July afternoon session G) at the IX Quantum
Reactive Scattering, Cambridge
(UK), 18-22 July 2007.
Communication "A study on the Argon
trimer rovibrational spectrum by means of a distributed Gaussian
function approach", M. Márquez-Mijares,
R. Pérez de Tudela, T. González-Lezana, O. Roncero, S.
Miret-Artés, G. Delgado-Barrio, P. Villarreal, I. Baccarelli, F.
A. Gianturco and J. Rubayo-Soneira, at the XXXIII Químicos Teóricos
de Expresión Latina, La Habana (Cuba),
17-21 September 2007.
Communication "State-to-state O(3P)+HCl(v=2,j=1,6,9)
-> OH+Cl calculations by means of statistical approaches",
P. Bargueño,
J. M. Alvariño and T. González-Lezana, at the Fifth
International Meeting on Photodynamics, La
Habana (Cuba), 4-8 February 2008.
Communication "Statistical quantum and
quasiclassical studies on the O(1D)+HCl -> OH+Cl
reaction: comparison with recent experimental results", P. Bargueño,
J. M. Alvariño, M. L.
Hernández, F. J. Aoiz, J. E. Verdasco, M. Menéndez
and T. González-Lezana, at the Fifth International Meeting on
Photodynamics, La Habana (Cuba), 4-8 February
Communication "Study of the H+O2
reaction by means of quantum mechanical and statistical approaches",
P. Bargueño, T.
González-Lezana, P. Larrégaray, L. Bonnet, J.-C.
Rayez, M. Hankel, S. C. Smith and A. J. H. M. Meijer, at the Fifth
International Meeting on Photodynamics, La
Habana (Cuba), 4-8 febrero 2008. .pdf
Invited Lecture "Study of the rovibrational spectrum of triatomic
clusters by means of a variational quantum method based in distributed
Gaussian functions", at the Fifth International Meeting on
Photodynamics, La Habana (Cuba), 4-8 February
Invited Lecture "Quantum mechanical studies on insertion
atom-diatom reactions", at theThirteenth
International Workshop on Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics,
QSCP-XIII Michigan State
University, East Lansing, Michigan (USA), 6-12 July 2008.
Invited Lecture "Theoretical investigation of the spectra of
rotating trimers by means of a variational quantum method based on
distributed Gaussian functions", at theCritical
Stability (web page) Ettore Majorama
Centre for Scientific Culture, Erice, Sicilia (Italy), 13-17 October
Invited Lecture "Rare gas molecular trimers: The Efimov effect and
thermal properties", at theFourteenth
International Workshop on Quantum Systems in
Chemistry and Physics,
QSCP-XIV(web page) San Lorenzo de El
Escorial, Madrid (Spain), 13-19 September
Invited Lecture "Rare gas molecular trimers: From Efimov scenarios to thermal properties", at the Efimov states in molecules and nuclei: Theoretical methods and new experiments Rome (Italy), 19-21 October
General Secretary of the Fourteenth
International Workshop on Quantum Systems in
Chemistry and Physics,
QSCP-XIV(web page) San Lorenzo de El
Escorial, Madrid (Spain), 13-19 September
Oral Contribution "Properties of the Ar3 system as a function of the temperature", at the Dynamics in clusters and floppy systems: Theory and experiment; ACS meeting San Francisco, California
(USA), 21-25 March
Organizator of the International Meeting on Atomic and Molecular Physics and Chemistry Madrid (Spain), 29 June - 2 July 2010.
Invited Lecture "A study on the dynamics of two atom-diatom reactions: O(1D)+HCl and H++H2", at the
International Meeting on Atomic and Molecular Physics and Chemistry, Rennes, (France), 5-8 July 2011.
Invited Lecture "Complex-forming dynamics on atom-diatom reactions: O(1D)+HCl and H3+", at the
Quantum Reactive Scattering XI, Santa Fe, New Mexico (USA), 16-22 July 2011.
Invited Talk "The dynamics of the C+OH and the H3+ reactions", at the
Quantum Days in Bilbao, Chemical Reactions , Bilbao (Spain), 23-24 July 2012.
Invited Talk "The dynamics behind atom-diatom collisions with competing reaction
pathways", at the
MOLEC, Oxford (UK), 9-13 September 2012.
Invited Talk "The dynamics of the H3+reaction"
, at the
Quantum Reactive Scattering XII, Bordeaux (France), 10-14 June 2013.
Communication "Reactive collisions of ultracold polar molecules and atoms"
, T. González-Lezana, C. Makrides and S. Kotochigova, at the
Quantum Reactive Scattering XII, Bordeaux (France), 10-14 June 2013.
Communication "Quantum dynamics study of the D++H2 reaction at low temperature"
, Y. Scribano, P. Honvault and T. González-Lezana, at the
Quantum Reactive Scattering XII, Bordeaux (France), 10-14 June 2013.
Oral Communication "The reaction dynamics of H3+ at low energy regimes"
, T. González-Lezana, Y. Scribano and P. Honvault, at the
International Meeting on Atomic and Molecular Physics and Chemistry, Lille (France), 2-7 July 2013.
Communication "Path integral Monte Carlo calculations of Ca impurity in helium droplets"
, R. Rodríguez-Cantano, D. López-Durán, T. González-Lezana,
F. A. Gianturco, G. Delgado-Barrio and P. Villarreal, at the
International Meeting on Atomic and Molecular Physics and Chemistry, Lille (France), 2-7 July 2013.
International Advisory Committee, at the
International Meeting on Atomic and Molecular Physics and Chemistry, Lille (France), 2-7 July 2013.
Invited Talk "Recent results on the H3+ system: The dynamics at the low energy regime",
at the
Quantum Days Bilbao 2013: New Developments in the Theory of Chemical Reactions, Bilbao (Spain), 24 July 2013.
Invited Talk "Dynamics of atom-diatom reactions at the low energy regime",
at the
Photodynamics: International Meeting
on Photodynamics and Related Aspects, Oaxaca (Mexico), October 26-31 2014.
Organizator of the QRS-XIII Quantum Reactive Chemistry Salamanca (Spain), 6 July - 10 July 2015.
Invited Talk "Low temperature dynamics of atom-diatom collisions",
at the
Quantum Systems in Chemistry, Physics and Biology QSCP-XX,
Varna (Bulgaria), September 14-21 2015.
Invited Talk
"Theoretical investigations on doped rare gas clusters
with atomic, diatomic and polyatomic impurities",
at the
Photodynamics: International Meeting
on Photodynamics and Related Aspects,
Mendoza (Argentina), May 9-13 2016.
Invited Talk
"Ortho-para transitions of molecular hydrogen
in H+ + H2 collisions",
at the
Nuclear spin effects
in Astrochemistry,
Grenoble (France), May 2-4 2017.
Invited Talk
"Dynamics of atom-diatom reactions in the interstellar medium",
at the
QRS-XIV Quantum Reactive Scattering,
Trieste (Italy), July 3-6 2017.
Invited Talk
"Atom-diatom dynamics investigated with a few body theory from Nuclear Physics",
at the
Critical Stability of Quantum Few-Body Systems,
Dresden (Germany), October 16-20 2017.
Invited Talk
"Path integral Monte Carlo studies of rare-gas clusters doped with atomic and molecular impurities",
at the
1st International Workshop on Molecular Physics 2018,
La Laguna, Tenerife (Spain), September 11-12 2018.
Invited Seminar
"Combined experimental and theoretical investigations of doped helium clusters",
at the
Institut des Sciences Moléculaires (ISM, UMR5255),
Talance (France), December 17 2018.
Invited Talk
"Recent investigations on O(1D)+D2 and C(1D)+H2 reactions and isotopic variants",
at the
QRS-XV Quantum Reactive Scattering,
Saitama (Japan), July 1-5 2019.
Invited Talk
"A theoretical investigation of the dynamics of atom-diatom reactions",
at the
Évora (Portugal), July 10-12 2019.
"Experimental and theoretical investigation of Cs+ ions solvated in HeN clusters",
at the
Frontiers in Molecular Physics (GEFAM) XXXVII Reunión Bienal de la R.S.E.F.
Zaragoza (Spain), July 15-19 2019.
Simposium Frontiers in Molecular Physics (GEFAM) at the XXXVII
Reunión Bienal de la R.S.E.F.
Zaragoza (Spain), July 15-19 2019.
Invited Talk
"The dynamics of X + H2 reactions (X = C(1D),
S(1D)) at low temperature: Recent experimental and theoretical investigations",
at the
2nd Meeting of the Collisional Excitations of Hydrides in the Interestellar Medium program
Salamanca (Spain), October 10-12 2019.
Invited Talk
"Doped helium clusters: From small to large clusters",
at the
Workshop on Multidimensional Quantum Dynamics at the Nanoscale: Method Development and Applications
Berlin (Germany), January 21-24 2020.
Modeling dilute matter in ultracold conditions: From quantum
structure to dynamics and reactivity CECAM workshop Grenoble (France) online, 17-19 May 2021.
Invited Talk
"Statistical quantum studies of reactive
collisions of astrophysical interest" at the
Workshop on the collisional excitation of astrophysical species
Saint Florent, Corsica (France), June 13-16 2022.
Invited Talk
scattering of atom-diatom processes of astrophysical interest" at the
QRS-XVI Quantum Reactive Scattering
Balatonföldvar, (Hungary), September 4-9 2022.
Oral Contribution
"Ca2+ ions solvated in helium:
The observation of the largest shell around an impurity" at the
12th Congress on electronic structure: Principles and applications, ESPA
Vigo, June 21-24 2022.
Invited Seminar
"Simulaciones moleculares en agregados de helio",
at the
Instituto de Física Fundamental (CSIC)
Madrid (Spain), February 27 2023.
Invited Seminar
"Searching for snowballs in doped helium clusters",
at the
Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Autónoma
Madrid (Spain), May 3 2023.
Keynote Lecture
"Searching for snowballs in doped helium clusters"
at the
13th International Meeting on Atomic and Molecular Physics and Chemistry, IMAMPC
Innsbruck, (Austria) June 12-14 2023.
Invited Talk "Atom-diatom complex-forming reactions and ordered solvation shells in doped helium clusters"
at the
Southern European Conference on the Science of Molecules, SECSMol
Perugia, (Italia) September 26-29 2023.
Invited Talk "From reactive scattering to helium droplets: Dynamics and simulations"
at the
QRS-XVII Quantum Reactive Scattering,
Istanbul, (Turkey) June 24-28 2024.
Invited Talk "Large ordered solvation structures inside doped helium droplets"
at the
Cold and Controlled Molecules & Ions, CCMI
Institute of Science and Technology (ISTA), Klosterneuburg (Austria) September 2-6 2024.
Supervised PhDs
2010, 16 April Pedro Bargueño de Retes"Dinámica Cuántica y Tratamientos Estadísticos en Reacciones
Oxigenadas de Capa Abierta: O(3P), O(1D)+HCl, H+O2 y O(3P)+OH"
Universidad de Salamanca (Sobresaliente "Cum Laude" Highest distinction)
2012, 26 June Maykel Márquez Mijares"Estudio del Espectro Vibro-rotacional y Dinámica de Complejos Triatómicos"
, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Apto "Cum Laude" Highest distinction)
2014, 19 December Rocío Rodríguez Cantano"Estudio de Agregados de Helio Dopados con Impurezas Atómicas y
Moleculares Mediante el Método Path Integral Monte Carlo",
Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Sobresaliente "Cum Laude" Highest distinction)