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Academic positions

Stays in other research centers

Participations in research projects
  • Procesos dinámicos en agregados de van der Waals y sistemas moleculares de complejidad creciente, Ref. B95-0071 DGICYT (1-Nov. 1996-1 Nov.2001), coord. Prof. Gerardo Delgado Barrio .
  • Estudio teórico de resonancias en complejos de van der Waals, Integrated Action CSIC-CNRS (France) Ref. 2000FR0029 (1998-2001), coord. Prof. Pablo Villarreal Herrán.
  • Cálculo de la sección eficaz de fotoionización y de colisión electrón-molécula con bases L2Integrated Action CSIC-University of Pisa (Italy) Ref. HI1998-0086 (1999), coord. Dr. José Campos Martínez  .
  • Procesos dinámicos y propiedades estructurales de agregados moleculares en fase gas a muy baja temperatura, Integrated Action Spain-Italy Ref. HI1999-0157 (2000-2001), coord. Prof. Pablo Villarreal Herrán
  • Reaction dynamics, Research Training Network. Ref. HPRN-CT-1999-00007, (2000-2003) , coord. Prof. Piero Casavecchia
  • Espectroscopía y dinámica de agregados bosónicos de He con impurezas, Italian-Spanish Integrated Action . Ref. HI2002-0074 (2003-2004), coord. Prof. P. Villarreal Herrán.
  • Reactive scattering collisions: study of insertion reactions, dynamical quantum resonances and ionic systems, European Reintegration Grant . Ref. MERG-CT-2004-513600 (2004), coord. Dr. Tomás González Lezana.
  • Métodos teóricos en Física Molecular, de agregados y de superficies, DGI, Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. Ref. FIS2004-02461 (2005-2007), coord. Prof. Gerardo Delgado Barrio.
  • Caracterización experimental y teórica de intermedios de reacción originados por la solvatación,  Integrated Action CSIC/CNRS (Paris, France),  Ref. HF2004-0201 (2005-2007), coord. Dr.  Octavio Roncero Villa
  • Propiedades mecánicas, eléctricas y catalíticas de nano-objetos: Síntesis, caracterización y modelización,  UCM-UAM-CBM-CSIC coord. Dr.  Octavio Roncero Villa
  • Estudio mecanico-cuántico de colisiones reactivas de tipo átomo-diátomo y caracterización de agregados triatómicos débilmente ligados, CSIC-MEC, Ref. 200650I134 (2006-2007), coord. Dr. Tomás González Lezana.
  • Estructura y dinámica de agregados moleculares e interfases gas/superficie, DGI, Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. Ref. FIS2007-62006 (2007-2010), coord. Prof. Gerardo Delgado Barrio.
  • Molecular Astrophysics: The Herschel and Alma era, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación CONSOLIDER-INGENIO. Ref. CSD2009-00038 2010 (2009-2011), coord. Prof. José Cernicharo-Octavio Roncero.
  • Estructura, Espectroscopía y dinámica de moléculas y agregados moleculares en fase gas-materia condensada , DGI, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Ref. FIS2010-18132 (2010-2011), coord. Prof. Gerardo Delgado Barrio.
  • Estructura, Espectroscopía y dinámica de moléculas y agregados moleculares en fase gas-materia condensada y sistemas abiertos , DGI, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Ref. FIS2011-29596 (2012-2014), coord. Prof. Gerardo Delgado Barrio.
  • Colisiones reactivas átomo-diátomo a bajas temperaturas , CSIC. Ref. COOPA20039 (2014-2015), coord. Dr. Tomás González-Lezana.
  • Investigaciones Teóricas en sistemas moleculares: Desde la fase gas a fases condensadas, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. Ref. FIS2014-51993-P (2016-2018), coord. Prof. Pablo Villarreal Herrán.
  • Procesos moleculares en fase gas, agregados y diferentes nanoestructuras Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad. Ref. FIS2017-83157-P (2018-2021), coord. Dr. Tomás González-Lezana and Dra. Rita Prosmiti.
  • Design of new materials for hydrogen storage Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Ref. LINK20041 (2021-2022), coord. Dr. José Campos Martínez.
  • Física molecular computacional: Aplicaciones punteras a agregados, nanoestructuras y sistemas macroscópicos Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad. Ref. PID2020-114654GB-I00 (2021-), coord. Dr. Tomás González-Lezana and Dra. Rita Prosmiti.

Scientific meetings

  • Communication "The Lanczos method: Applications on studies of highly excited vibrational levels of vdW clusters", T. González-Lezana and P. Villarreal at the Second Iberian Joint Meeting on Atomic and Molecular Physics, Bilbao (Spain) 1995.
  • Communication "Theoretical spectroscopy and dynamics of fragmentation of the He79Br2 complex" , T. González-Lezana, M. I. Hernández, G. Delgado-Barrio, A.A. Buchachenko and P. Villarreal,at the Charles Coulson Summer School in Theoretical Chemistry, Oxford (UK) 1996.
  • Photodynamics of molecules and clusters, San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Madrid (Spain), 10-14 August 1998.
  • Communication at the II International workshop Reaction Dynamics and Photochemistry , Avila (Spain), 2-5 September 1998.
  • Communication "Further studies of the near-IR spectrum of HCBr" , T.J. Sears, A.J. Marr, J.T. Muckerman and T. González-Lezana, at the Symposium on Chemical Physics, University of Waterloo (Canada), November 2000.
  • Communication "The low-lying electronic states of HCBr: Experiment and theory", J.T. Muckerman, T.J. Sears,H.-G. Yu,  A.J. Marr and T. González-Lezana, at the Spectroscopy in the 21st century, (in celebration of the 70th birthday of Prof. E. Hirota), Hayama, Kanagawa (Japan), March  2001 pdf.
  • Oral Communication "The hyperspherical coordinate surface eigenvalue problem"  at the EU Research and Training Reaction Dynamics, Network Meeting, Oxford (UK), March 2001.
  • Oral Communication "Application of a statistical model to the H+O2 reaction"  at the EU Research and Training Reaction Dynamics, Network Meeting, Segovia (Spain), June 2002.
  • Oral Communication "Application of a transmission-free absorbing potential to the time dependent study of A+BC chemical reactions"  at the EU Research and Training Reaction Dynamics, Network Meeting, Nijmegen (Holland), May 2003.
  • Communication "Calculation of differential cross sections by means of a statistical model: application to the O+H2 and S+H2 reactions",  E. J. Rackham, T. González-Lezana and D. E. Manolopoulos, at the XVIII International Conference on Molecular Energy Transfer (COMET), El Escorial (Spain), March 15-20, 2003.
  • Communication "Application of a transmission-free absorbing potential to the time dependent study of A+BC chemical reactions", T. González-Lezana, E. J. Rackham and D. E. Manolopoulos, at the VII Workshop on Quantum Reactive Scattering, El Escorial (España), June 20-23, 2003.
  • Oral Communication "Statistical calculations on insertion reactions" at the EU Research and Training Reaction Dynamics, Network Meeting, Perugia (Italy), January 17-18 2004.
  • Invited Lecture "Quantum reactive scattering with a transmission-free absorbing potential "  at the III International Meeting on Photodynamics, La Habana (Cuba), February 16-20 2004.
  • Communication "Influence of rotation and isotope effect on the dynamics of the N(2D)+H2 reactive system", F. J. Aoiz, L. Bañares, T. González-Lezana, V. Herrero and I. Tanarro, at the VIII Workshop on Quantum Reactive Scattering, University of California, Santa Cruz (USA), July 15-19, 2005.
  • Communication "Quantum mechanical studies on the D++H2 and H++D2 reaction systems", T. González-Lezana, O. Roncero, M. Paniagua and A. Aguado, at the VIII Workshop on Quantum Reactive Scattering, University of California, Santa Cruz (USA), July 15-19, 2005.
  • Invited Lecture "Caracterización de la dinámica de reacción de colisiones tipo átomo-diátomo mediante cálculos estadistico-cuánticos", at the II Simposium de investigadores jóvenes RSEQ-Sigma-Aldrich (web page), University of Castilla-La Mancha, Ciudad Real (España), November 22-25, 2005.
  • Invited Lecture "Study of the reaction dynamics of atom-diatom collisions with a statistical quantum method" at the IV International Meeting on Photodynamics, La Habana (Cuba), February 6-10 2006.
  • Oral Communication "Statistical quantum studies on the reaction dynamics of the H++H2 and X+O2 (X=H,Si) reactive collisions" at the Stereodynamics 2006 (schedule web page) , Arcachon (France), November 10-14 2006.
  • Communication ''Dynamical studies on the H+O2 reaction'', P. Bargueño, T. González-Lezana, P. Larrégaray, L. Bonnet and J.-C. Rayez, at the Stereodynamics 2006 (poster session web page) , Arcachon (France), November 10-14 2006.
  • Communication ''State-to-state O(3P)+HCl (v=2,j=1,6,9) -> OH+Cl calculations by means of statistical approaches'', P. Bargueño, J. M. Alvariño and T. González-Lezana, at the XXII International Symposium on Molecular Beams,  Freiburg (Germany), 2007. .pdf
  • Communication ''Investigation on the dynamics of the Si+O2 reaction by means of statistical and quasiclassical approaches'', F. Dayou, P. Larrégaray, L. Bonnet, J.-C. Rayez, P. N. Arenas and T. González-Lezana, at the IX Quantum Reactive Scattering,  Cambridge (UK), 18-22 July 2007. .pdf
  • Communication ''The H+ + D2(v=0,j=0) reaction: A comparison between theory and experiment", E. Carmona-Novillo, T. González-Lezana, O. Roncero, P. Honvault, J.-M. Launay, N. Bulut, F. J. Aoiz, L. Bañares, A. Trottier and E. Wrede,  at the IX Quantum Reactive Scattering, Cambridge (UK), 18-22 July 2007..pdf
  • Chairman (Saturday 21st July afternoon session G) at the IX Quantum Reactive Scattering, Cambridge (UK), 18-22 July 2007.
  • Communication "A study on the Argon trimer rovibrational spectrum by means of a distributed Gaussian function approach", M. Márquez-Mijares, R. Pérez de Tudela, T. González-Lezana, O. Roncero, S. Miret-Artés, G. Delgado-Barrio, P. Villarreal, I. Baccarelli, F. A. Gianturco and J. Rubayo-Soneira, at the XXXIII Químicos Teóricos de Expresión Latina,  La Habana (Cuba), 17-21 September 2007.
  • Communication "State-to-state O(3P)+HCl(v=2,j=1,6,9) -> OH+Cl calculations by means of statistical approaches", P. Bargueño, J. M. Alvariño and T. González-Lezana, at the Fifth International Meeting on Photodynamics,  La Habana (Cuba), 4-8 February 2008.
  • Communication "Statistical quantum and quasiclassical studies on the O(1D)+HCl -> OH+Cl reaction: comparison with recent experimental results", P. Bargueño, J. M. Alvariño, M. L. Hernández, F. J. Aoiz, J. E. Verdasco, M. Menéndez and T. González-Lezana, at the Fifth International Meeting on Photodynamics,  La Habana (Cuba), 4-8 February 2008.
  • Communication "Study of the H+O2 reaction by means of quantum mechanical and statistical approaches", P. Bargueño, T. González-Lezana, P. Larrégaray, L. Bonnet, J.-C. Rayez, M. Hankel, S. C. Smith and A. J. H. M. Meijer, at the Fifth International Meeting on Photodynamics,  La Habana (Cuba), 4-8 febrero 2008. .pdf
  • Invited Lecture "Study of the rovibrational spectrum of triatomic clusters by means of a variational quantum method based in distributed Gaussian functions", at the Fifth International Meeting on Photodynamics,  La Habana (Cuba), 4-8 February 2008.
  • Invited Lecture "Quantum mechanical studies on insertion atom-diatom reactions", at the Thirteenth International Workshop on Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics, QSCP-XIII  Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan (USA), 6-12 July 2008.
  • Invited Lecture "Theoretical investigation of the spectra of rotating trimers by means of a variational quantum method based on distributed Gaussian functions", at the Critical Stability  (web page) Ettore Majorama Centre for Scientific Culture, Erice, Sicilia (Italy), 13-17 October 2008.
  • Invited Lecture "Rare gas molecular trimers: The Efimov effect and thermal properties", at the Fourteenth International Workshop on Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics, QSCP-XIV (web page) San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Madrid (Spain), 13-19 September 2009.
  • Invited Lecture "Rare gas molecular trimers: From Efimov scenarios to thermal properties", at the Efimov states in molecules and nuclei: Theoretical methods and new experiments Rome (Italy), 19-21 October 2009.
  • General Secretary of the Fourteenth International Workshop on Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics, QSCP-XIV (web page) San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Madrid (Spain), 13-19 September 2009.
  • Oral Contribution "Properties of the Ar3 system as a function of the temperature", at the Dynamics in clusters and floppy systems: Theory and experiment; ACS meeting San Francisco, California (USA), 21-25 March 2010.
  • Organizator of the International Meeting on Atomic and Molecular Physics and Chemistry Madrid (Spain), 29 June - 2 July 2010.
  • Invited Lecture "A study on the dynamics of two atom-diatom reactions: O(1D)+HCl and H++H2", at the International Meeting on Atomic and Molecular Physics and Chemistry, Rennes, (France), 5-8 July 2011.
  • Invited Lecture "Complex-forming dynamics on atom-diatom reactions: O(1D)+HCl and H3+", at the Quantum Reactive Scattering XI, Santa Fe, New Mexico (USA), 16-22 July 2011.
  • Invited Talk "The dynamics of the C+OH and the H3+ reactions", at the Quantum Days in Bilbao, Chemical Reactions , Bilbao (Spain), 23-24 July 2012.
  • Invited Talk "The dynamics behind atom-diatom collisions with competing reaction pathways", at the MOLEC, Oxford (UK), 9-13 September 2012.
  • Invited Talk "The dynamics of the H3+reaction" , at the Quantum Reactive Scattering XII, Bordeaux (France), 10-14 June 2013.
  • Communication "Reactive collisions of ultracold polar molecules and atoms" , T. González-Lezana, C. Makrides and S. Kotochigova, at the Quantum Reactive Scattering XII, Bordeaux (France), 10-14 June 2013.
  • Communication "Quantum dynamics study of the D++H2 reaction at low temperature" , Y. Scribano, P. Honvault and T. González-Lezana, at the Quantum Reactive Scattering XII, Bordeaux (France), 10-14 June 2013.
  • Oral Communication "The reaction dynamics of H3+ at low energy regimes" , T. González-Lezana, Y. Scribano and P. Honvault, at the International Meeting on Atomic and Molecular Physics and Chemistry, Lille (France), 2-7 July 2013.
  • Communication "Path integral Monte Carlo calculations of Ca impurity in helium droplets" , R. Rodríguez-Cantano, D. López-Durán, T. González-Lezana, F. A. Gianturco, G. Delgado-Barrio and P. Villarreal, at the International Meeting on Atomic and Molecular Physics and Chemistry, Lille (France), 2-7 July 2013.
  • International Advisory Committee, at the International Meeting on Atomic and Molecular Physics and Chemistry, Lille (France), 2-7 July 2013.
  • Invited Talk "Recent results on the H3+ system: The dynamics at the low energy regime", at the Quantum Days Bilbao 2013: New Developments in the Theory of Chemical Reactions, Bilbao (Spain), 24 July 2013.
  • Invited Talk "Dynamics of atom-diatom reactions at the low energy regime", at the Photodynamics: International Meeting on Photodynamics and Related Aspects, Oaxaca (Mexico), October 26-31 2014.
  • Organizator of the QRS-XIII Quantum Reactive Chemistry Salamanca (Spain), 6 July - 10 July 2015.
  • Invited Talk "Low temperature dynamics of atom-diatom collisions", at the Quantum Systems in Chemistry, Physics and Biology QSCP-XX, Varna (Bulgaria), September 14-21 2015.
  • Invited Talk "Theoretical investigations on doped rare gas clusters with atomic, diatomic and polyatomic impurities", at the Photodynamics: International Meeting on Photodynamics and Related Aspects, Mendoza (Argentina), May 9-13 2016.
  • Invited Talk "Ortho-para transitions of molecular hydrogen in H+ + H2 collisions", at the Nuclear spin effects in Astrochemistry, Grenoble (France), May 2-4 2017.
  • Invited Talk "Dynamics of atom-diatom reactions in the interstellar medium", at the QRS-XIV Quantum Reactive Scattering, Trieste (Italy), July 3-6 2017.
  • Invited Talk "Atom-diatom dynamics investigated with a few body theory from Nuclear Physics", at the Critical Stability of Quantum Few-Body Systems, Dresden (Germany), October 16-20 2017.
  • Invited Talk "Path integral Monte Carlo studies of rare-gas clusters doped with atomic and molecular impurities", at the 1st International Workshop on Molecular Physics 2018, La Laguna, Tenerife (Spain), September 11-12 2018.
  • Invited Seminar "Combined experimental and theoretical investigations of doped helium clusters", at the Institut des Sciences Moléculaires (ISM, UMR5255), Talance (France), December 17 2018.
  • Invited Talk "Recent investigations on O(1D)+D2 and C(1D)+H2 reactions and isotopic variants", at the QRS-XV Quantum Reactive Scattering, Saitama (Japan), July 1-5 2019.
  • Invited Talk "A theoretical investigation of the dynamics of atom-diatom reactions", at the IBER2019 Évora (Portugal), July 10-12 2019.
  • Poster "Experimental and theoretical investigation of Cs+ ions solvated in HeN clusters", at the Frontiers in Molecular Physics (GEFAM) XXXVII Reunión Bienal de la R.S.E.F. Zaragoza (Spain), July 15-19 2019.
  • Organization Simposium Frontiers in Molecular Physics (GEFAM) at the XXXVII Reunión Bienal de la R.S.E.F. Zaragoza (Spain), July 15-19 2019.
  • Invited Talk "The dynamics of X + H2 reactions (X = C(1D), O(1D), S(1D)) at low temperature: Recent experimental and theoretical investigations", at the 2nd Meeting of the Collisional Excitations of Hydrides in the Interestellar Medium program Salamanca (Spain), October 10-12 2019.
  • Invited Talk "Doped helium clusters: From small to large clusters", at the Workshop on Multidimensional Quantum Dynamics at the Nanoscale: Method Development and Applications Berlin (Germany), January 21-24 2020.
  • Organization Modeling dilute matter in ultracold conditions: From quantum structure to dynamics and reactivity CECAM workshop Grenoble (France) online, 17-19 May 2021.
  • Invited Talk "Statistical quantum studies of reactive collisions of astrophysical interest" at the Workshop on the collisional excitation of astrophysical species Saint Florent, Corsica (France), June 13-16 2022.
  • Invited Talk "Reactive scattering of atom-diatom processes of astrophysical interest" at the QRS-XVI Quantum Reactive Scattering Balatonföldvar, (Hungary), September 4-9 2022.
  • Oral Contribution "Ca2+ ions solvated in helium: The observation of the largest shell around an impurity" at the 12th Congress on electronic structure: Principles and applications, ESPA Vigo, June 21-24 2022.
  • Invited Seminar "Simulaciones moleculares en agregados de helio", at the Instituto de Física Fundamental (CSIC) Madrid (Spain), February 27 2023.
  • Invited Seminar "Searching for snowballs in doped helium clusters", at the Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Autónoma Madrid (Spain), May 3 2023.
  • Keynote Lecture "Searching for snowballs in doped helium clusters" at the 13th International Meeting on Atomic and Molecular Physics and Chemistry, IMAMPC Innsbruck, (Austria) June 12-14 2023.
  • Invited Talk "Atom-diatom complex-forming reactions and ordered solvation shells in doped helium clusters" at the Southern European Conference on the Science of Molecules, SECSMol Perugia, (Italia) September 26-29 2023.
  • Invited Talk "From reactive scattering to helium droplets: Dynamics and simulations" at the QRS-XVII Quantum Reactive Scattering, Istanbul, (Turkey) June 24-28 2024.
  • Invited Talk "Large ordered solvation structures inside doped helium droplets" at the Cold and Controlled Molecules & Ions, CCMI Institute of Science and Technology (ISTA), Klosterneuburg (Austria) September 2-6 2024.

Supervised PhDs

  • 2010, 16 April Pedro Bargueño de Retes "Dinámica Cuántica y Tratamientos Estadísticos en Reacciones Oxigenadas de Capa Abierta: O(3P), O(1D)+HCl, H+O2 y O(3P)+OH" , Universidad de Salamanca (Sobresaliente "Cum Laude" Highest distinction) .
  • 2012, 26 June Maykel Márquez Mijares "Estudio del Espectro Vibro-rotacional y Dinámica de Complejos Triatómicos" , Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Apto "Cum Laude" Highest distinction) .
  • 2014, 19 December Rocío Rodríguez Cantano "Estudio de Agregados de Helio Dopados con Impurezas Atómicas y Moleculares Mediante el Método Path Integral Monte Carlo", Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Sobresaliente "Cum Laude" Highest distinction) .
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